May through July seemed to fly by for me, and the thought that there is only ONE MONTH until school starts kind of has me in a panic to slow down and enjoy the rest of summer with my, not so babies. I have spent that last few months saying “YES” rather than “NO” and learning a lot of different types of photography. If family sessions and Spring’s Glass House Mini sessions didn’t keep me busy enough, I’ve dove into lighting and real estate with McCurdy Media, I’ve taken on a couple product photography clients, and I even shot a couple weddings!! While I’m learning ALOT about different things, family photography will always have my heart.
Back in May, I hosted a day of Glass House Mini Sessions, and let me tell you, I can’t wait to go back again! If you live in the Houston Area, you know it’s been a wet past few months to say the least. The day of our sessions and even as I left Cypress to drive to this beautiful location, the clouds opened up and poured! Thankfully all we had to worry about was the humidity, because by the time we started, it was perfect!

So if you are looking for a family photographer who will bring on the FUN and who will help you feel comfortable every step of the way, I’m your girl! Shoot me a message and lets get started on creating beautiful memories.